Remember Unity

rainbow chalfant
Rainbow @ Home, Chalfant, April 2019 (look closely to right, there was a double!)

“Remember Unity until you forget separation.” From The Diwan of Shams i Tabriz, by Sufi poet Rumi. (From Desert Wisdom, Neil Douglas Klotz).

Wholeness. Unity. Divine Source. Oneness. Pure Consciousness. God.

Are we seeking, or are we being? The glory of the universe, of the divine, is in front of us and inside of us at every moment. We are inspired by teachers, by books, by courses, by poetry but at some point in time, with intention for allowing, for opening, we come into stillness, into the moment, and allow connection. Allow connection.

Yes, we need tools to get there. Yes, we often need teachers, and for sure we need teachings. But even then, at some point, we even then drop the teachings. The teachings create the boat to cross us to the other shore. But we need to know when to get out of the boat and walk onto that other shore.

Put down your books and blogs, your courses and communication devices, and go out.

chidago paintbrush smaller
Chidago Canyon Road, Tablelands, May 2019

Find a place that calls to you and allow the Earth and the Divine, the Oneness, the Wholeness, the Unity to hold you and tell you that you are not a seeker, you are a practitioner of life on a path to Unity. That path begins with stepping out of the boat and onto the shore. You may tie the boat, and return for provisions and navigation materials, those teachings that will help you find your way. But take that step, be on that other shore. Trust. Be.

Transform doing to being.
Remember Unity, until you forget separation.