Deep Listening

Listening. Deep, still listening. I was reminded in the last few days that energy/prayer/intention is not just about directing heart and mind, it’s also about deep, still listening. As I was contemplating Morro Rock, surrounded by an ocean that was being pretty feisty (high surf advisory), I got the message to quiet down. To just enjoy with no expectation or concern about how to connect. A 25 million year old rock is the epitome of patience and stillness and may have some wisdom if all one’s listening centers were open! If I’m quiet and trust and can remain comfortable in silence, connection happens and the gift of inspiration may be part of that. 

One of my ocean musings/inspirations is that we humans (and maybe all of life) are little pods of Mother Ocean (Mama Cocha in Quecha), brought to this form to walk the solid part of this planet, much of which was once water as well. It’s as though we are ambassadors from the waters to the land. In qigong, one of the things we do when we practice is to visualize and notice flow. Qi/energy flows in our blood, in our bodily fluids. …the water movement of the body is the home of the yuan qi, or “original qi”. Yuan qi is the movement of life in its natural tract, in harmony, and represents an inherent wisdom that makes itself clear in the kind of quiet that you find in a forest’s deep winter, the sound of every snow flake falling clear and steady (Winter Renewal with Mingmen, Gate of Destiny). 

So when you can, sit in stillness and quiet with nature and your own nature and open to the inherent wisdom of the universe. Those of you who know and/or practice the Zhineng Qigong essence mantra, Hun Yuan Ling Tong (HYLT), know that when we move into silence right after chanting, the mind stays quiet for awhile as the vibration of the sound and mantra flow through the body. HYLT means that the true self connects to the Hunyuan Qi of the Universe and thus manifests “wonderful” things, such as self-healing or other good intentions. These “miracles” can be explained by the “Hun Yuan Ling Tong” theory. In a state of “Hun Yuan Ling Tong,” when consciousness is connected with Hunyuan energy and information, things can transform immediately through this information (HunYuanChi Therapy).

Or you can simply connect with the energy of nature, with a flower in your garden, a tree, a frog, an ant, or a 25 million year old grandmother volcanic plug reaching up to the sky from the ocean…take some moments, allow your brain to sink in to the quiet essence of nature, and listen. 

For more on listening…Guru Singh’s Morning Prayer.

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